Mounir el Arem


Executive Chef‐Owner, Le Baroque Restaurant; Tunis, Tunisia

Executive Chief of the famous Restaurant Le Baroque in Tunis, obtained a master degree in mathematics in University of Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg France in 1987. His passion for cuisine took over and he underwent several training courses in France to improve his gastronomy skills. He has been recognized by his peers around the world over the years and he has accumulated experience and mastery of cooking and tasting techniques.

He is regularly a member of the technical and tasting jury in France. In 2018 he founded the first National Cooking and pastry trophy organized by the Tunisian Training Agency (Ministry of Employment). In 2015 he co-founded the “La Fourchette d´Or” competition organized by the Maghrebian Institute of Management and Tourism. In addition to companionship, Mounir EL AREM is very active to promote “Les Produits du Terroir” and participate in the registration of Couscous and Harissa to Unesco Intangible heritage.

From New Delhi, via Lyon, Casablanca, Algiers, Toulouse, NewYork, Washington, Pescara, Lille, Nice, Marseille, Antalya, San Vito Lo Capo, Prague, Bern or Paris, Monaco… Mounir EL AREM positions himself as ambassador of Tunisia in the culinary art. Passion, love for Cuisine, Gastronomy and the Art of Receiving give strength to Mounir EL AREM and regulate his rhythm of life.