Adriana Carcelén

Adriana Carcelén

Chef, Rasoterra Restaurant; Barcelona, Spain

The hospitality world has always been present in her family. His uncle is a chef and her mother worked in a chicken rotisserie. She has always known what the price of hospitality is and it was not the path she thought would make her happy until it took her to her land. 

Her first job was harvesting grapes, she cut roast chickens while he was studying, he illustrated food, he did food design, some projects that never materialized, etc., she worked in a design studio before moving to London. After years looking for a project that would bring together all his passions and where she could pour out all her creativity, she began studying plant based cooking and volunteering in all the places he was allowed to in London.

He started working at Made in Hackney and Migration, non-profit community kitchens.

Already in Barcelona after the pandemic, the challenge arose of leading the kitchen of Rasoterra, a 100% plant based gastronomic bistro with Slow Food and KM0 philosophy, with which it has been growing and finding her language.  

A unique restaurant model in Barcelona that has achieved a mention in the Repsol guide and belongs to the restaurants in the We’re Smart Green Guide.

Collaborate with Slowfood Educa that focuses on food justice and children. 

Inside and outside the restaurant, the emphasis is on consciousness, creativity, and responsible consumption.