barcelona culinary hub


Barcelona Culinary Hub is a university center focused on Gastronomic Management, promoting training aimed at the new current gastronomic trends. It was born with the aim of training professionals in the field of gastronomic management, developing under an international approach, offering a global and modern vision of the gastronomy sector, both in its technique and in its business management.

Barcelona Culinary Hub has a wide range of training that covers the areas of gastronomy management, technique and production, both online and in person, and has a committee of experts in the sector who contribute their experience in different areas of the industry and endorse the formation.

The Barcelona Culinary Hub seeks to train creative, proactive and innovative culinary leaders, providing them with scientific-based knowledge and fostering creativity through teamwork. With the face-to-face campus in Barcelona, ​​it offers innovative spaces dedicated to training, gastronomic research, food development and design, and practical classrooms dedicated to each of the culinary fields.