

Chef, Disruptor & Author, Co-founder FoodSpace, Dublin, Ireland

Omnipresent in British hospitality over the past 30 years, chef Conor Spacey has done it all in gastronomy: hotel bar, bistrot, haute cuisine, catering. He is also the co-founder of FoodSpace, tailor-made catering, with more than 20 establishments in Ireland and a presence throughout the UK.

A constant in his work: questioning the future of food, based on sustainable food. Non-negotiable principle: his ingredients are always grown or produced within a radius of 80 km around his kitchen. Known for questioning everything in the food industry, Spacey is not satisfied with chefs doing enough. “We have to go further in reforming the food system. What was once the norm in professional kitchens has been turned upside down.”

His activism in sustainability has gotten Spacey invitations to gastronomic events and he has given pop-ups, talks and demonstrations, in Paris, Rome, Milan, London, Lisbon, Dubai, Canada, and of course Ireland. In addition, on Virgin Media’s Six O’Clock program, he often presents waste-free meals, the subject by the way, of his book Wasted, whose recipes recover, through delicious dishes, the most wasted food in many homes.