Fundación Dieta Mediterránea


The Mediterranean Diet Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting and disseminating the values inherent to the Mediterranean Diet, which is recognised by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the healthiest dietary pattern and by the FAO as the most sustainable, this dietary model stands out for its positive impact on human health and environmental protection, symbolizing the identity and legacy shared by Mediterranean countries.

Beyond food, the Mediterranean Diet represents a lifestyle that promotes coexistence, cultural diversity, and respect for the natural environment, reflected in sociocultural customs and in the way food is shared.

The Foundation’s mission is not only to preserve this valuable heritage but also to adapt it to the scientific and technological advances of the agri-food sector. Through its training and awareness-raising work, it seeks to make present and future generations understand the importance of this lifestyle, which not only protects our physical and mental health but also preserves the rich cultural heritage that defines Mediterranean communities. This comprehensive approach positions the Mediterranean Diet as a benchmark for balance between health, sustainability, and cultural heritage.