

Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine Department, Hospital Clinic; Professor of Medicine, University of Barcelona; Chair Scientific Advisory Council, Torribera Mediterranean Center; Barcelona, Spain

Professor Ramon Estruch is currently Senior Consultant at the Internal Medicine Department of the Hospital Clinic (Barcelona) from 2002. He is also Adjunct Professor in the School of Medicine at the Barcelona University from 2019. The main research lines developed are the following: 1) Cardiovascular effects of Mediterranean diet 2) Mechanisms of the effects of moderate wine and beer consumption; 3) Effects of chronic alcohol consumption on heart, liver and brain; 4) Effects of different alcoholic beverages on immune system; 5) Effects of olive oil, nuts and cocoa in lipid profile and inflammatory biomarkers.

In the last years, his group has received grants from the European Commission, National Institute of Health (NIH) from USA, CICYT, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agroalimentaria (INIA) del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III del Ministerio de Sanidad (ISCIII). In addition, Prof. Estruch is the leader of the Thematic Network “Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Diseases” of the ISCIII (Spain).

Prof. Estruch has published more than 700 papers in peer-review journals, including N Engl J Med, JAMA, Ann Intern Med, Arch Intern Med, Cardiovasc Res J, Ann Neurol, Am J Clin Nutr, J Nutr and Diabetes Care, Eur Heart J i Nature Reviews on Cardiology, among others.