Rodrigo de la Calle


Chef-Owner, El Invernadero Restaurant; Madrid, Spain

Rodrigo de la Calle is a well-known Spanish chef born in Madrid in 1976. His passion for cooking began at a very early age, and throughout his career, he has become a referent in avant-garde gastronomy and sustainable cuisine.

De la Calle began his culinary formation at the Zalacaín restaurant, one of the most prestigious establishments in Madrid. Later, he acquired experience in various Michelin-starred restaurants in Spain and France. His culinary style is characterized by fusing Spanish gastronomic tradition with local and seasonal ingredients.

One of Rodrigo de la Calle’s most remarkable achievements is his focus on “gastrobotany,” a culinary trend that promotes the use of wild vegetables and plants in haute cuisine. This philosophy led him to open his own restaurant, “El Invernadero,” in Madrid, where he has won numerous awards and a Michelin star. In 2020, his new concept ”VIRENS” will be launched in Barcelona.

In addition to his work in the kitchen, De la Calle is a passionate defender of sustainability and organic agriculture. His commitment to the environment and his creativity in the kitchen have made him a culinary reference both in Spain and internationally.