Slow Food Barcelona Vázquez Montalbán


Founded in 2005, as a local movement based on the premises of the international organization, Slow Food Barcelona is a reference in Barcelona working on ecogastronomy to unite gastronomic culture and ecology, and promoting the defense of local agri-food biodiversity and the preservation of the rural and marine environment.

The organization promotes different projects with the collaboration of different institutions. From the Mercat de la Terra in the Parc de les Tres Xemeneies, created in 2015 (the first agroecological market in Barcelona, which is part of Slow Food’s international network of farmers’ markets), to the fourth edition -underway- of the Barcelona Slow Food Guide, which lists restaurants that prioritize proximity and organic farming, use fresh and seasonal food, and avoid the use of transgenic products.

It also promotes Terra i Gust – the Sustainable Food Festival, within the framework of the Mercè Festival, organized with the Barcelona City Council and in collaboration with Associació de Gastronomia i Turisme; Mercat Metropolità, an action in the Barcelona Fòrum Gastronòmic, of powerful visualization of all the realities of agri-food production that are developed in the territory of the AMB, organized jointly with Área Metropolitana of Barcelona and the Barcelona City Council.