Cátedra Dieta Mediterránea Universitat de Barcelona


The Chair of Mediterranean Diet: Health, Sustainability and Culture, constituted by the University of Barcelona and the Mediterranean Diet Foundation, is dedicated to the training, dissemination and transfer of knowledge on the invaluable legacy of the Mediterranean Diet. Its mission is to promote adherence to this lifestyle in contemporary society, with special emphasis on young people, to ensure its continuity and relevance.

The Chair focuses on the food, gastronomic and cultural aspects of the Mediterranean Diet, highlighting its crucial role in the health and sustainability of the planet. Through research, this lifestyle benefits are analyzed and a dietary pattern that encompasses a variety of healthy products is promoted. This holistic approach prioritises local and seasonal foods, highlighting the importance of a healthy and balanced diet that promotes the well-being of the population.

In addition, it acts as a bridge between tradition and innovation, facilitating meetings and collaborations with experts in nutrition and health, and establishing synergies with international entities. Through these initiatives, the Chair promotes a conscious and responsible food culture, seeking to integrate the Mediterranean Diet as a daily practice in the lives of future generations, thus contributing to a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.