

Better Balance was born from a dream, to help millions of people to find the best version of themselves while taking care of the planet, adapting to all lifestyles. At Better Balance we offer products made from the highest quality vegetable protein, healthy and really tasty, you don’t have to give up taste to take care of yourself.

Our products are healthy, rich in nutrients and full of flavor. Our principles are as clear as our ingredients, easy to understand. They adapt to any type of recipe, whether traditional or newly created.

We invite you all to the table, vegans, carnivores, herbivores and all-rounders.


Capitain Basilis


The “Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos” Foundation is a charitable non-profit private foundation, founded in 2011 to honor Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos.

Its aim is to establish Messinia as a model for sustainable development, by supporting and promoting related projects. The Foundation plans, manages and finances programs related to research, education and support of local structures in Messinia. It trades in a wide range of areas related to rural development, society, culture and the environment by developing partnerships with institutions and with bodies in those fields.

Costa Navarino


Costa Navarino developed by TEMES S.A is the prime sustainable destination, located in Messinia in the southwest Peloponnese, in one of the most unspoiled and breathtaking landscapes in the Mediterranean. Its philosophy is driven by a genuine desire to promote Messinia, while protecting and preserving not only its natural beauty but also a remarkable cultural heritage spanning 4,500 years

Costa Navarino comprises of 5 areas exceeding 1000 hectares featuring luxury hotels and residence, golf courses, tennis courts and multiple sports activities and over 40 restaurants

Navarino Environmental Observatory-Research and Education (navarinoneo.se). Navarino Environmental Observatory (NEO) is a Mediterranean hub for research and education where science, business, society and policy makers join in an international cooperation to create a more sustainable future under a changing climate. NEO is a partnership between the academic community and the private sector and it was founded in 2009, by Stockholm University, the Atmospheric Environment Division of the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, and TEMES.

Penaut Institute


The Peanut Institute is a non-profit health and wellness organization based in Georgia, USA. The Peanut Institute supports nutrition research and develops educational programs to encourage healthful lifestyles that include peanuts and peanut products.


sustainability Google

sustainability google

Google Food fuels over 100,000 people every day. Since the first executive chef joined the company in 1999, food and how it helps build collaboration and innovation have been at the heart of the culture. Google Food today includes over 200 cafes and restaurants globally serving over 150,000 meals in over 56 countries every day. The food program is free for employees, but it’s not free for Google. Google invests in this program because it sees how important food is to its company and to the Google culture.

It puts a tremendous amount of thought into the food and beverage it serves, which includes its approach to culinary, nutrition, responsible procurement, and resource utilization. At the core foundation of its integrated food and beverage approach is the Menus of Change Principles, a modern, thoughtful mindset on menu planning and responsible business. Its unified approach is what guides Google to ensure that it works towards the singular goal of enabling Googlers to experience the joy of food that enables them to be at their best.

Over the past few years, in collaboration with the CIA, the Google Food team conducted several pilots to develop methods it has begun to operationalize in its dining program. It focused on the following key areas:

Globally inspired, balanced, plant-forward menu concepts support users in making better choices

  • Right-size portions using the “Flip” & combo plates
  • Designing operations for the future to “nudge” users toward healthier balanced plant-forward options
  • Culinary interaction (watching chefs cook your meal; chef recommendations)
  • Plant-forward merchandising for priming
  • Thoughtful menu planning and menu labeling
  • Guided customization
  • Placement/size of plates, service design/flow, etc.

Google Food is constantly growing and evolving to create engaging and inspiring food experiences that provide fuel for big, innovative thinking and collaboration among employees. It fuels Googlers around the world to be at their best today, tomorrow, and over the long haul.



Barcelona Culinary Hub is a university center focused on Gastronomic Management, promoting training aimed at the new current gastronomic trends. It was born with the aim of training professionals in the field of gastronomic management, developing under an international approach, offering a global and modern vision of the gastronomy sector, both in its technique and in its business management.

Barcelona Culinary Hub has a wide range of training that covers the areas of gastronomy management, technique and production, both online and in person, and has a committee of experts in the sector who contribute their experience in different areas of the industry and endorse the formation. The Barcelona Culinary Hub seeks to train creative, proactive and innovative culinary leaders, providing them with scientific-based knowledge and fostering creativity through teamwork. With the face-to-face campus in Barcelona, ​​it offers innovative spaces dedicated to training, gastronomic research, food development and design, and practical classrooms dedicated to each of the culinary fields.



AVRAMAR is a leading provider of top-quality Mediterranean fish with vertically integrated operations, from breeding and hatching to production of its own specialty feed, to the farming, harvesting, processing, packing, and distribution. The company is the world’s leading producer of Mediterranean fish, recognized for its superior species of Sea Bass, Sea Bream, Stone Bass and Pagrus. AVRAMAR was created in 2020, when the four most successful fish farming companies in the Mediterranean merged to create an aquaculture powerhouse, spanning from Greece in the east to Spain the west.

AVRAMAR is serving customers across 40 countries and delivers approximately 300 million dishes of delicious fish a year to people around the world with the purpose to make Better Fish for Better Lives.

Fish is nutritious, healthy, safe food and the one of the most efficient sources of animal protein on the planet. It’s loaded with important nutrients, such as protein, vitamin D and a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are incredibly important to the body and the brain. Omega-3’s can help in lowering blood pressure, decrease risk of strokes, and reduce blood clotting. Eating fish, can be considered the best investment you can make for your health.

As a leader in Mediterranean aquaculture, we are committed to using sustainable and responsible aquaculture practices and to work intensively for the global transition to more sustainable food systems. This commitment is to our customers, our community, and our planet.

olive oils


Olive Oils from Spain is the global promotional brand for the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional Organization, a non-profit organization that brings together all the links of the olive oil production and marketing chain. Its main work is to promote the consumption of olive oils from Spain all over the world through promotional campaigns, highlighting the quality of olive oils of Spanish origin, as well as Spain’s leadership in production, sales, and sustainability.

Additionally, the organization has positioned itself as a driver of innovation in the fields of knowledge related to olive oil. In collaboration with different institutions, it has launched lines of research in the field of agriculture as it relates to olive oil (farming, production, consumption, and health).




Barcelona made a firm commitment to Sustainable Food since 2015 when it signed the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, committing to develop urban food policies for the transformation towards a food system that is good for people, territories and the planet. During the 2020-23 mandate, the municipal government decided to make a commitment to include the food transition towards a fairer, more sustainable and healthier food system as a relevant aspect of its government action.

From the recognition of the current unsustainability of its food system and with the vocation of wanting to change this situation, the Barcelona City Council, bet on the construction of the project “Barcelona World Capital of Sustainable Food 2021“, starting with the candidacy to organize the 7th World Forum of the Urban Food Policy Pact in Milan in 2021. In addition, at the end of 2020, the Barcelona City Council drew up the Government Mesure for Sustainable Food 2020-2021, which integrates the City Council’s food policies in this area and aims to promote “in the medium and long term, a transformation of the food system”.

This entire journey leads to this year 2022 in which the city food strategy 2030 has been approved, which wants to be a complete shared path for the transformation of the food system in the city. It has been developed after a participatory process of months with all the most representative agents of the city and the metropolitan region of Barcelona.



The Healthy and Sustainable Food Strategy of the City of Barcelona for 2030 (EASSB2030) is a roadmap that defines the vision, objectives and major proposals and projects that must guide the transformation of the city’s food system in the immediate future and in the long term, with a 2030 horizon. A transformation towards a model that feeds the entire population in a way that benefits people, the planet and the territories, producing, transforming, selling and consuming food in a way that generates prosperity, promotes social justice, caring for, conserving and regenerating our resources and ecosystems.

The EASSB2030 is the result of a participatory process of almost a year and wants to be a city strategy, that is, a strategy developed by food system actors working for a transition to a sustainable food system. At the same time, it aims to be a transformative strategy, involving the various stakeholders who want to contribute to the transformation of the food system.

Under this shared vision, the strategy has 9 strategic objectives regarding the production, sale and consumption of sustainable food, the protection, recovery and promotion of urban and peri-urban agricultural spaces, the promotion of healthy, sustainable and safe food for all people through education and cultural change, the increased resilience of the food system, the prevention of food losses and waste, the fight against the climate emergency and the extinction crisis, the promotion of fair relations within the food chain and the coordination and mobilization of the different actors.



The Turisme de Barcelona Consortium was set up in 1993 by Barcelona City Council, the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping of Barcelona and the Barcelona Promotion Foundation, with the aim of promoting tourism in Barcelona.

The mission of the Consortium I to promote and raise the profile of Barcelona as an international tourist destination by making its visitors aware of its culture and distinctiveness through an offer with an added value based on segmentation criteria involving the public and interests. As part of its mission, Turisme de Barcelona acts as a facilitating agent that boosts the visitor economy by raising the profile of an aspirational and transformative destination. A destination that offers values that enable us to live and coexist in dynamic, sustainable and responsible surroundings and is committed to sustainable development goals criteria by strengthening its brand and the tangible and intangible returns generated by visitors.

The vision of the Consortium is to act as a national and international benchmark organisation in promotion and marketing at the service of the economy and tourism sector based on values of sustainability and public and private agreement.




Since 1830 the Ametller family has been dedicated to cultivating and caring for their land. As a result of their experience as farmers and processors, and faithful to their philosophy of respecting the natural properties of the products, the ambitious Ametller Origen project was born.

A model that integrates agricultural production, processing and marketing under the same objective: to make a decisive contribution to improving people’s nutrition and health.

Logo Yosoy


In 1991, when almost there was not any plant-based drinks in Spain, we believed that a new, plant-based, healthy and more sustainable diet was possible.

And this is how, breaking with the family tradition established around the dairy industry, we started to produce 100% plant-based drinks in the Montseny Natural Park, becoming the first company in Spain to do so.

Logo Yosoy


Flax & Kale is one of the leading healthy foods brands in Spain. Its beginnings date back to 2014 with the opening of its first Flax & Kale Tallers restaurant in Barcelona, the first flexitarian restaurant in Spain. 

In 2018, the group invested in a modern 6.500m2 R&D and production centre, form where ambitious research and development projects are being carried out in the categories of kombucha, non-dairy cheeses, meat alternatives and ready meals, among others. The focus on R&D has allowed Flax & Kale to make the leap from restaurants to become an omnichannel and multicategory brand. Their mission is to be a driver of change thought joyful, healthy and sustainable flexitarian food experiences.

Logo Yosoy


Cava came about as a result of the effort, ingenuity and creativity shown by a group of Catalan wine-makers and producers. After the disastrous phylloxera epidemic of the mid-19th century, they decided to make a new start. Today everyone who toasts and celebrates with this sparkling wine, made using the traditional method, continues to enjoy the fruits of labour of these winemaking pioneers. Thanks to the tenacity and rigour of contemporary Cava producers, every year these wines improve in both quality and international renown.

The story begins, as all the best ones do, in a small place with a great winemaking tradition: a land of Catalan farmers with a desire to discover and investigate. The other key factor was three main grape varieties: Macabeu, Xarel·lo and Parellada, a trilogy which defined and differentiated this sparkling wine, later named Cava.